
Choosing the Right Employee Attendance Tracking App: Key Considerations and Features (Part 1)

When selecting an employee attendance tracking app, there are several key considerations and features to keep in mind. From eliminating traditional methods to adopting the new, advanced and cost-saving ones, attendance system requires a thorough decision-making process. Here are some key considerations and features to look for in an attendance tracking app

1. Facial Recognition System

A robust and accurate Facial Recognition system can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of attendance tracking. This feature allows employees to clock in and out by simply capturing their facial image, eliminating the need for physical contact with devices and minimizing the chances of fraud or proxy attendance. CDP’s EAS provides state-of-the-art facial recognition system that helps employees to check-in with just a smiling selfie.

2. User-Friendly Interface

An intuitive and user-friendly interface is significant for an attendance tracking app. Look for an app that offers a simple and easy-to-navigate interface, allowing both employees and administrators to quickly access attendance records and the necessary details. CDP’s EAS is structured to provide a smooth way to operate and access employee attendance.

3. Reporting and Analytics

A good attendance tracking app should offer informative reporting and analytics features. This allows administrators to generate attendance reports, analyse trends, and gain insights into employee attendance patterns. With our EAS, admins can evaluate employee productivity and optimize scheduling while identifying areas for improvement.

4. Geo Tagging and Fencing

An efficient attendance app will allow employees working on remote basis or on site to clock-in their presence and display their location. Managers should be able to tag and fence the geographical location of such employees to ensure the flow of work. CDP’s EAS caters to such feature and monitors the location of employees to utmost accuracy.

5. Mobile Accessibility

In today’s mobile-driven world, having a mobile app version of the attendance tracking system is of top priority. This allows employees to conveniently log-in and out using their smartphones, providing flexibility and ease of use, particularly for remote or the field workers. CDP’s EAS comes with an easy-to-use mobile app that offers plethora of handy features.

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